My kids: waaaaaaa (sometimes crying )
Me : Milk, Milch, Lait, حليب
My kids: Zzzzzzzzz (sleeping)
As simple as that, this is how “Milchmania” was born.
I am Elsa Dorlian, born in 1983 and raised in lebanon. I am a Lebanese/German art director/designer. I studied in French and received my Masters degree in Advertising in 2006 in Lebanon after which I worked with International advertising agencies for 7 years in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
I moved in 2014 to Bielefeld to start a new chapter in my life with the person I love.
I became then, in 2015, for the first time a mother of a beautiful girl, and again in 2017 of a handsome boy.
During my first year of motherhood, I tried many times to freelance, but unfortunately it was very hard. My full time job as a mother gave me the opportunity to think about building my own brand/company. With the little time I had, when my daughter used to sleep during the day, I had the chance to start creating and drawing Milchmania’s characters.I started then brainstorming with my husband, who without his continuous support and help, Milchmania would have never see the light. Milchmania's first collection was only for babies under the Motto " crazy about milk ". Today Milchmania offers designs for babies, kids and adults under the motto " Crazy about .."
Starting from November 2022 Milchmania has a shop and Atelier in Bielefeld at Klasingstrasse 25, 33602. There you will not only find design products but I will be offering creative courses for kids and Teenagers.
Elsa Dorlian
Managing Director